But "in the pen", if you are at the bottom of the prison hierarchy, in the category of "offended" (as a rule, open gays, bisexuals, transgender people fall into that category automatically), then you have virtually no choice. Compulsion to sex is not a criminal offence there, but a common thing, a daily reality. We see in the prison porn videos wherein a person in the receiving role is almost always perceived as an object and not as a subject of a relationship.
It's enough to look at the titles of the videos on the screenshots: "Working hole", "Holey mouth", "Caucasian petukh (rooster, faggot)", "Prag", "Petukh Fedya serves", "F#@ a rooster in the shower room", "Petukh is working", "Fucking petukh", "Petukh in the warehouse", "Fucked petukh right on the bunk". He is not even a person anymore; he's either a receiving part "hole", "mouth", or something despicable: "rooster", "prag", etc., at best "service staff". It becomes clear why in any video we don't see that a person is asked to consent to filming and posting explicit materials on the Internet.
Rather we see that sometimes the "offended" themselves accept the status quo, and then we can talk about a kind of "Stockholm syndrome". For example, "I'm a slutty faggot and I like it" - the name of one of the photo albums in the "Prison roosters" community.
In addition to the purely sexual aspect, the attitude of power - subordination, self-affirmation of an active partner at the expense of humiliation of the passive is also obvious. If we go beyond the prison system, we can see that this discourse is quite often used in Russian life. "Let's bend America", "Let them suck", "We can repeat" (the picture where a man with a head in the form of a star "bends" a man with a head in the form of a swastika), etc. It is clear that this attitude is in many ways transferred to LGBT people, generating aggression against them, and even hate crimes.