Project "Women. Prison. Society"
How journalists, human rights activists and volunteers can improve the life of women, children & LGBT, who stayed in prisons?

The goal is to help and to protect the rights of women, children & LGBT, who connected with penal system (police, prisons, FSB, migrant places). We realize several projects: stories about LGBT-people who have been imprisoned - "OUTCASTS; about children who were born in prisons "Prison's children", we make historical materials about repression and make investigations about human violations in dertention places.
Леонид Агафонов, автор проекта "Женщина. Тюрьма. Общество"
Leonid Agafonov, the author of the project
The author of the project is Leonid Agafonov. His experience is more than 10 years. While working in the ONK (public observation) (2013-2016), he visited prisons, isolators and centers for migrants over 300 times. He worked with pregnant women. He is a patron of 50 babyes who were born in prisons.

Leonid Agafonov is one of the few experts in Russia on "gender prison issues". He was a leading expert of the joint project of the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation and the Directorate for the Protection of Human Rights of the Council of Europe "Russian ONCs - a new generation" and teaches public observers. Publicist.
Our project has been working for over 2 years.
We started working at the training in the Institute of the Press/the Printed media "Siberia". Our first project was an investigation
"Women's faces of prison" - a name that can be said to be comprehensive, and here we talk about a variety of women whose lives are connected with the correctional system. These are women who wait from the conclusion of their husbands or relatives, women who have served their sentence or were arrested. Women who work in the correctional system. "Children of the prison" - the first series of the project has already been collected. Here we will talk about motherhood during the imprisonment. Our heroes will be women who became mothers, while in custody and their babies. We will tell you about the fate of children born in the colonies and pre-trial detention centers. Also on this topic, we plan to conduct an investigation into the violations that women and their children face in the correctional system. We constantly publish information about detentions on mass actions and news about the most high-profile cases. Historical works - about the Solovetsky Islands, Karelia, Soviet camps. We do not do historical research, but we use available sources, but we try to ponder and submit material interestingly. "Outcasts" - Series of publications about persecution of homosexual women and man in Russian prisons "Last hope" - a documentary about women with cancer in russian prison

We work as a social media
публикуем расследования на платформе «Тильда»
we publish articles on "Tilda"
Vk, Fb
Ведем несколько групп в социальных сетях
we made goup in social media
ведем блог на платформе «7*7»
we write blog on "7*7"
работаем с ресурсом Правозащитная сеть «Так-так-так»
we work with sourse "Tak-tak-tak"
Today we preparing:
  • The large investigation about the situation of children in Russian prisons
  • Series of publications about persecution of homosexual women in Russian prisons
  • Publication about the life and socialization of women in Norway prison
Хотим дружить!
We ready to cooperate!
Проект "Женщина. тюрьма.Общество" - волонтерский и главные принципы нашей работы: добровольность и открытость. Мы рады сотрудничеству, рады поделиться результатами нашей работы, данными, рассказать о проекте и о положении женщин и детей в российских тюрьмах. Сейчас у нас в команде автор проекта Леонид Агафонов, я (журналист) и редактор Наташа Сивохина. Нам нужна как финансовая поддержка нашей работы, так и волонтерская, консультационная помощь. Добавляйтесь в наши сообщества, пишите, звоните.
The main principles of our work are: voluntariness and openness. We are glad to cooperate, are glad to share the results of our work, data, talk about the project and the situation of women and children in Russian prisons. Now, in our team, the author of the project is Leonid Agafonov, I (journalist) and editor Natasha Sivokhina. We need both financial support for our work, and volunteer, consulting assistance. Add to our communities, write, call.
Наши контакты
Our contacts
+7905-453-55-17 Наталия Nataliia (журналист/journalist)
+7905-212-09-67 Леонид Leonid (автор проекта/author of the project)

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