Sexual violence and homosexuality through the eyes of researchers at the Federal Penitentiary Service and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. We analyze their dissertations together with a prison expert, a psychologist, and an LGBT activist for the fourth part of the "Outcasts" series.
We continue our discussion about prisoners from the lowest caste of Russian prisons. The main part of this investigation concerned a prisoner whose complaint was addressed by the European Court of Human Rights, other similar cases, attempts to complain to the Federal Penitentiary Service (FPS) and how the prison expert and lawyer assess the situation.

In this part of the project you can study extracts from dissertations of employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service and the Ministry of Internal Affairs by experts.
"We are in shock..."
A doctoral candidate in psychological sciences speaks about the homophobia in dissertations of employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service and the Ministry of Internal Affairs: incorrect terms, the justification of violence against LGBT people, and ideas about gender issues from the 19th century.
Quote: "Convicts are united in 'families' for the following reasons: common interests (usually with a single, often unconscious desire to survive); debt owed to other prisoners; passive homosexuals and the mentally retarded."

Marat Shakiryanov, "Criminal traditions among convicts in penitentiaries and the fight against them", Saint Petersburg, 2004, p.110.
Valentina Likhoshva
PhD in psychology, coordinator of Psychological Services for the Moscow Community Center for LGBT Initiatives
"First of all, the terms are extremely incorrect. The terms "passive homosexuals" and "active homosexuals" are not scientific terms, but they are common everyday words. It follows that the terms "homosexuality" and "homosexualist" are profoundly outdated terms, as the demedicalization of the phenomenon occurred in 1989-1990 (the tenth revision of the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Health-related Problems). In Russia, ICD-10 was introduced into public health practice only in 1999 by 170 order of the Ministry of Health of 27.05.97. In the academic literature, the use of the terms "homosexual/homosexual" carries a negative connotation, and therefore demonstrates a homophobic approach (L.C. Klein, I. S. Kohn, G.B. Deryagin). In scientific context it is important to use correct terms – "homosexual", "homosexual person", "gay."

Further, the use of adjectives «active» and «passive» in the context of homosexuality is a stereotyped and scientifically unjustified approach. In everyday life, these adjectives are most commonly used to describe preferred sexual practices in terms of the theory of sexual inversion (Inversion theory of sexuality), that is, the assumption that homosexuality is similar to heterosexuals of the opposite sex. However, this theory has nothing to do with reality.

Secondly, there is the author's general position that homosexuality is equated with mental violations. The author conflates the concepts of social identity, sex orientation, mental abuse, sexual violence and forced sexual practices.

Unfortunately, homophobia among the scientific community is often directly linked to their low levels of knowledge.
"Explanatory work on the harm of homosexuality"
"Surprising" quotations from FPS and Ministry of the Interior researchers
Quote: Working with individuals on the homosexual registry involves:

1. Differences in treatment, bearing in mind that active homosexuals are the most aggressive and violent offenders, whereas passive homosexuals are usually mentally and morally repressed, persecuted by other convicts…

Segregation of this category of people into separate dormitories or cells, separation or unauthorized change of their dormitories;

2. A ban on work assignments that take place in isolated places of residence (bath attendants, artists, librarians, etc.); periodic inspections of such convicts; to provide them with medication and psychotherapy in accordance with the recommendations of healthcare officials;

3. Joint investigations by concerned representatives on the possible consequences of homosexuality.

4. Minimizing homosexuals' free time and monitoring them more closely."

Nikita Yakovlev, "Penitentiary subculture as a criminogenic factor and the prospects for neutralizing its negative influence," Yelets, 2006, p. 173-174.

Valentina Likhoshva
PhD in psychology, coordinator of Psychological Services for the Moscow Community Center for LGBT Initiatives
"Let's try to deal with these "provisions" of the thesis work.

The impression made on the reader is that homosexuals are not only people with mental disorders, but also violent criminals who are out of control. However, the logic of this argument is completely distorted. To begin with, the phrases "passive" and "active" homosexuals refer to violent sexual practices that are used to cement social statuses within closed groups.

There is no such phenomenon as "homosexual inclination"; by definition this cannot exist. This is because homosexuality is sexual orientation (in other words, a vector of romantic, erotic, or sexual attraction) rather than action. Inclination – this is orientation predicated on action. This is a probably just a discussion of sexual practices within the work, and so it becomes clear that homosexuality is not directly related to sexual violence by some people in the penitentiary system.

Victims of sexual violence (in the dissertation they are called, for some reason, "passive homosexuals"), regardless of their sexual orientation, are described as "mentally and morally repressed people," precisely because they are exposed to "persecution by other convicts."

The phrases "concentration of persons in this category," "explanatory work on possible consequences of homosexuality" (here it is not very clear whether it is about consequences of sexual violence on the health of victims or some other consequences of non-existent disease "homosexuality"), and especially to reduce to a minimum free time of homosexuals, to conduct increased supervision of them" directly testify to the clear homophobic position, tendency of isolation of people (victims and authors of violence), increasing marginalization of victims of violent acts.

The heterocentric approach and use of sexual inversion theory in the thesis results in the stereotyping of "active" as masculine and "passive" as feminine behavior, a cause of their social position within a closed group."
Is prison pleasurable for a gay man?
"To start with, this is a scientific collapse..."
Quote: "The second group includes the "omitted" – persons involved in perverse relationships as "passive" homosexual partners by deception, promising patronage and protection to negative leaders or having been raped by them for violating the rules of conduct or for paying debts in this way. Usually also included in this group are convicts who are prone to homosexual and other external contacts and have been engaged in them before serving their sentence in detention sites."

Andrey Zosimenko, "Mental disorders in convicts related to the subcultural features of detention sites (sexual violence and its threat)," Moscow, 2004, p.32.
Valentina Likhoshva
PhD in psychology, coordinator of Psychological Services for the Moscow Community Center for LGBT Initiatives
"The term "perversia" or "sexual perversion" existed from the 1870s until the beginning of the 20th century. In everyday life, the concept of "perversion" is defined as sexual behavior not in accordance with public norms. In the ICD 10 (International Classification of Diseases the 10th revision) of 1989, from the section, "Disorders of sexual preference, including sexual deviations and paraphilia" (F65), homosexuality was excluded from the list of diseases thirty years ago. But perhaps the author means such "perversial contacts" as F65.5 sadomasochism (including sadism and masochism) – a desire to perform actions that cause pain and humiliation, show the subordinate position of the person targeted, or be the object of such actions. And in the ICD 11 (2018 version) there is already 6D33 (violent sexual sadistic disorder – sexual sadism with infliction of physical or psychological suffering on a partner who is not consenting).

I will not repeat any more about the household classification of "passive and active" homosexuals and "inclination to homosexual contacts" (as far as I understand, these are typical examples resulting from a low level of knowledge in the field of SOGIE – sexual orientation, gender identity and expression)."
"True homosexuals don't experience physical and sexual violence"
Quote: "It should be kept in mind that this study does not address men convicted for violent homosexual offences under Art. 132 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, due to the relatively satisfactory social adaptation of homosexual persons among the inmates.

As a rule, true homosexuals don't experience physical and sexual violence, they practice natural homosexual relationships, openly informing others about the peculiarities of their sexual orientation.

Sexual intercourse between persons of the same sex, in violation of the internal regulations, enables the administration to carry out educational measures and impose disciplinary sanctions on convicts, not only those who detect homosexual orientation and are well adapted to the conditions of being in a closed same-sex community, and who generally do not require psychological and medical assistance, but also on forced homosexual partners from among heterosexually oriented men..."

Andrey Zosimenko, "Mental disorders in convicts related to the subcultural features of detention sites (sexual violence and its threat)," Moscow, 2004, p.82.
Valentina Likhoshva
PhD in psychology, coordinator of Psychological Services for the Moscow Community Center for LGBT Initiatives
"The phrase 'involvement' in the 'omitted group' is not about involvement, but about violence, because violence is not limited to physical harm or health. Other words, the "deceptive path," the "promise of patronage and protection from beatings by negative leaders," and the "repayment of debts" are words and phrases masking the only correct term in this case – VIOLENCE. These are victims of violence, not homosexuals. All these ways and methods of violence are not related to a person's sexual orientation.

There is no concept of "true homosexuals." As I said before, homosexuality is a vector of attraction, and only one can identify himself (i.e., within a social group) as gay, homosexual, bisexual, pansexual... The "truth" is determined by the person in this case – as his experience, feelings, and identity may not be expressed (or have no possibility to be expressed). And I don't understand how to explain the high level of "homosexual violence" and "relatively low prevalence" of "true homosexuals" "wishing to act as passive homosexual partner," especially since the author justifies his claim as "common human practice."

In this context, a gay person is presented as a sexual object, and the conclusion is that if there are more gays in detention (who prefer to be a bottom in the practice of anal sex), then, they will all be happy with the sexual activity used against them.

Furthermore: "As a rule, true homosexuals don't experience physical and sexual violence, they practice natural homosexual relationships, openly informing others about the peculiarities of their sexual orientation."

Following this logic, an openly heterosexual woman won't experience physical and sexual abuse, because the rapist practices natural heterosexual relationships. Or is it natural for any homosexual to have sex with anyone who would like to have sexual relations with him, in all quantities, in any form?

All of these statements are illogical and unjustified. If we start from the realities of penitentiaries in Russia, then openly stating one's homosexual orientation would be the last survival strategy for preserving one's life during the daily experience of physical, sexual and psychological abuse."
"Men are injured by the 'female' role"
Quote: "The almost two-fold increase in the prevalence of auto-regressive behavior among victims of real sexual violence is further evidence of the greater subjective significance for the convicted person of the forced acts undergone in the previously unrelated 'female' sexual role, about the more pronounced psychogenically traumatic character of such action for the previously adapted to the conditions of the colony heterosexual oriented man."

Andrey Zosimenko, "Mental disorders in convicts related to the subcultural features of detention sites (sexual violence and its threat)," Moscow, 2004, p.117.
Valentina Likhoshva
PhD in psychology, coordinator of Psychological Services for the Moscow Community Center for LGBT Initiatives
"The author justifies his assumptions with the fact that sexual violence against heterosexual men is carried out through "powerful traumatic physical pressure" (Does this mean that homosexuals are not beaten in cases of sexual abuse or less traumatic physical abuse?), and that heterosexual men have a drastically reduced micro-social status in the prison community.

The second has no explanation for the assertion that homosexuals "do not experience physical and sexual violence carried out against them," but it has some connection with reality. The social status of openly homosexual men is often lower than that of heterosexual or closeted homosexual/bisexual men in society (the concept of 'minority stress' can help explain this phenomenon), but can this determine the pathogenicity and degree of psychological trauma?

The subjective significance of forced sex acts cannot be measured with reference to sexual orientation and especially to 'female' sexual role. What the author means by discussing a 'female sexual role' is not clear. Is this the role of the victim of sexual violence? That of the receptive partner in oral and anal sex? Is this low social status because of their gender?

The further shocking finding is that homosexual men do not require psychological and medical assistance after sexual use.

Returning to terminology, the non-existent scientific concept of 'forced homosexuality' disguises what is, in reality, sexual violence."
Alexey Sergeev
civic and LGBT activist,
Coordinator at the Alliance of Heterosexuals and LGBT for Equality
"The examined dissertations concentrate on negative stereotypes of LGBT people in our society, as well as on echoes of repressive practices learned since the Gulag.

On the one hand, the prison subculture is an intensely negative influence, which has become ingrained in society. In few countries have so many people passed through "zones" and camps, and, having been freed, have transferred these rules and "concepts" "to the masses," including the depiction of LGBT individuals as the "offended," the most disempowered people "at the bottom" of the hierarchy – in fact, they are often seen as "nonhuman people." Нence, in many ways, these are the roots of this aggression.

On the other hand, we see that the prison system is very closed and inert, and it takes a lot of effort to humanize it. Both the prison administration and many detainees seem to be comfortable with the prevailing inhuman order. You'd think science would be free of prejudice and outmoded attitudes. But in "prison" works we see a whole series of pseudoscientific, outdated, if not frankly discriminatory "common places" and recommendations.

Firstly, sexual orientation refers to both psychiatric pathology as well as to a harmful and dangerous habit that requires preventive treatment and special measures, as well as to an offence (possibly echoing the decriminalized criminal article for "sodomy"). Sometimes, all of these positions can be found in the same work. All three approaches are anti-scientific, stigmatizing and repressive towards LGBT people.

Second, the sexual abuse and exploitation of prisoners from the "offended" caste (not only LGBT, but heterosexuals) is taken for granted, as a commonplace occurrence. With everyone knowing everything, there's total silence. Sexual violence doesn't make it into the prison statistics. There is also a larger problem here: very few crimes and violations against LGBT people reach the statistical records of human rights organizations. But in the prison system, it's still a lot worse: the statistics on sexual violence are absolutely insignificant, and violence has long been a part system.

Finally, the patriarchal and sexist lines of thought entrenched in men's communities about the "offended ones," especially those who in dissertations are called "passive homosexuals," visibly taking part in in "female" roles. Sexual exploitation of the "aggrieved" is perceived as almost "marital obligation," the term "wife" is recorded. From an activist perspective, this means that the women's equality movement and the LGBT equality movement have a place to cooperate.
Briefly on dissertations in 1999-2006
The Caste system
"The 'offended' refers to passive homosexuals and convicts who have been subjected to an act of forced sodomy."
The first work that we analyzed while studying this topic was published in 1999, and it was referred to by other researchers later. Yuri Blokhin, a researcher specializing in "criminal law and criminology" in Rostov-on-Don, the author of the dissertation "Organizational and legal measures to neutralize the negative influence of inmates from harmful social groups in prisons." On page 36, the author defines who the "offended" are and the reasons for falling into this caste of those "rejected by the criminal world" and offers a classification of prisoners of the lowest caste.
Quote: "We fully share the opinion of G.F. Khokhryakov, who believes that the "offended" are the passive homosexuals and convicts against whom the act of forced sodomy has been committed. All other representatives rejected by the criminal world are called "omitted."

Each stratum has autonomy over the other, contacts with the lower ones are not encouraged, and with representatives of the "outcasts" are explicitly prohibited by group norms."

Yuri Blokhin, "Organizational and legal measures to neutralize the negative influence of inmates from harmful social groups in prisons," Rostov-on-Don, 1999, p.36.
Leonid Agafonov
prison expert, author of the project "Woman. Prison. Society"
"I would suggest to look at this issue from the prisoners' point of view. Usually, prisoners with a reduced social status are not divided into such groups, there is one large group – the "offended" (prisoners with a reduced social status). The "offended" within the system are called "cocks" and divided into "workers" and "non-working" (those used and those not used for sexual services). The reasons why the "offended" may be among the "non-working" are usually not related to the desire of the prisoner, but to external or behavioral factors: health status, age, hygiene, etc.

With regard to contacts forbidden by the camp subculture, I would ask the author to clarify which contacts he is referring to. For example, "dealers" (merchants, "baryzhnichat" means "trade") are also among the "offended." The "offended" prisoners wash, clean (this is also contact), enter into sexual contact. But prisoners from the other castes, of course, do not have tea with them from the common mug. Therefore, we cannot say that contact is forbidden, rather it is of a specific nature."
Quote: "Such informal sanction as transfer to the category of the "outcasts" deserves close attention. By its very nature, it is nothing but ostracism – the expulsion of people from a particular society...

The convicted person is discredited (depersonalized) by sodomy (being used as a passive party); so-called "waflenie" (having orogenital contact, having a sexual member smash his lips); being forced to wash the socks of those whose status is higher; forced to kneel and lick someone else's shoe, forced to lick buttocks, etc."

Yuri Blokhin, "Organizational and legal measures to neutralize the negative influence of inmates from harmful social groups in prisons," Rostov-on-Don, 1999, p. 93.
Leonid Agafonov
prison expert, author of the project "Woman. Prison. Society"
"I believe that the "offended" are still a part of the prison society they just occupy the lowest level of it.

The practice "lick the shoe," as well as "washing socks" has long ceased to exist. It was in the 60s and 70s. In the prison community, there is such a thing as a "shnyr," this is, a prisoner who performs simple "dirty" work (including washing someone's personal belongings), but serves his sentence with the status of a "man."
Cells for the Outcasts
Quote: After discrediting, all the convicts in the cell demand to be transferred to another cell. In many prisons there are so-called "obizhenki" – cells for "outcasts."

It often happens that they will offend (commit sodomy with) a weaker and younger person who doesn't know how to stand up for himself, and then they "break him out" (expel) from the cell. That is to say, they are raising a fuss, demanding to remove the "offended." The authorities already understand what has happened: the "offended" goes to the "obizhenka" (a cell for rejected). Prisons and remand centers staff are well aware of the jargon expression – "put on skis," i.e. "banish from their cell." That is to say, they are raising a rucus, demanding to remove the "offended."

Yuri Blokhin, "Organizational and legal measures to neutralize the negative influence of inmates from harmful social groups in prisons," Rostov-on-Don, 1999, p. 93.
Leonid Agafonov
prison expert, author of the project "Woman. Prison. Society"
"People rush out of the "hut" when they are afraid or assume that they may be subjected to violence.

There are several options: a person is "put on skis," for example, if he has come to the "hut," but it turns out that he is "red" (cooperates with the administration).

The "offended" is usually not expelled; someone must clean the cell, provide sexual services. On the contrary, the cell watchers agree with the operatives or the security department to throw a young "cock" in with them."

In some isolators and correctional colonies there are cells for the "offended," it depends on the institution and approach. Many authors, almost everybody, in discussing one's conversion to the status of "offended," point out one of the reasons – gambling. These people do not fall into the "offended" caste, but rather, the prisoner who hasn't paid off his gambling debt on time gains the status of a "fuflyzhnik" (a person not worth of respect, a deceiver, a person who has not fulfilled their obligations). This would happen after a well-known "run" ("progon" – an appeal to "decent detainees" from the authorities of the criminal world, thieves under the law): "Don't breed bastards," – a phrase remembered in several works."
Quote: "Transfer to the 'outcasts' throws the convicts into the lowest level of the hierarchy, making them virtually deprived of rights. And this situation is not temporary…

When transferred to another institution or the other cell, he is obliged to "show up", i.e. declare his status. Other convicts are obliged to declare this status if the "omitted" person has concealed it. In this case, the convicts who communicated with the latter as equals, shared a sleeping place with him, shared food with him are considered to be "zashkvarenny", i.e. desecrated. This threatens them to be transferred to the caste of the "outcasts."

The only way to "purify" themselves is by killing or causing serious harm to the health of a convict who concealed the fact of their "rejection."

Yuri Blokhin, "Organizational and legal measures to neutralize the negative influence of inmates from harmful social groups in prisons", Rostov-on-Don, 1999, p. 94.
Leonid Agafonov
prison expert, author of the project "Woman. Prison. Society"
"Perhaps it was this way before, but now and in the late 90's, no one wants to 'spin' (that is, get a longer prison term) because of an 'offended' one. No one knows, for example, at the stage when he drinks tea with him, whether he is a 'cock' or not, if he does not say so. Or, if a prisoner has already served half a year, and then he is 'burned' (found out) that he was an 'offended' at the 'juvenile' (juvenile colony). This situation is highly likely to occur in a detention site. As a rule, the status of the prisoner is already known by the time of transfer to the colony.

There is such a rule – "it doesn't happen out of ignorance" – if a person doesn't declare his status, then the rest are not guilty, and no one will label the entire cell (a cell is a room for prisoners in a remand center, or in a SНIZO, or in a cell-type colony) as 'offended' ones. If other prisoners knew, but did nothing, then the entire cell is 'frozen' (the 'road' (prison mail) does not go through them, they do not go to the 'common fund' (mutual aid fund, common 'boiler' (cigarettes, tea) until the circumstances are clarified. The status of the camera at this time is equal to the camera of those who cooperate with the administration ('red' or for former law enforcement officers)."
Yuri Blokhin in his dissertation on page 136 says that sexual violence in detention sites is aggravated by the fact that the abused prisoner is completely discredited to the other inmates. This suggests that the FPS system is not only aware of the fact of this violence, but also understands the consequences of it for prisoners.

We want to point out that there is no difference between violence in a penal colony and violence outside of this system. In any case, crimes against sexual integrity should be investigated by the Investigative Committee, the police, etc. The perpetrators must be punished, and the victim must be protected.

Because of the pressure, the "offended" or those who may fall into this group or become victims of violence commit suicide. The author suggests that these cases should be thoroughly investigated, and here we agree. These crimes are not investigated, they are hidden, and the guilty prison officers are not punished for their negligence.

Back in 1999, Yuri Blokhin proposed a rather advanced idea of excluding voluntary sexual acts from the Penal Enforcement Code (PEC), which equates voluntary (and involuntary) sex to regime violation (disciplinary offence). We have already written in the works "Outcasts" and "Outcasts-2: Broken people" that this stigmatizes voluntary relationships.
Quote: "Secondly, voluntary sodomy gained the right to exist with the abolition of Part 1 of Article 121 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR in 1992 (lesbianism was not prohibited at all). At present, sexual minorities are becoming more and more vocal. Therefore, the attitude of the legislator towards homosexuals serving their imprisonment remains unclear. Moreover, we found no formal grounds to prohibit homogenous sexual intercourse in correctional facilities. Only by recognizing sexual abstinence as an element of the content of imprisonment, it would be possible to prohibit homogenous communication for convicted persons."

Yuri Blokhin, "Organizational and legal measures to neutralize the negative influence of inmates from harmful social groups in prisons", Rostov-on-Don, 1999, p. 108.
As for violence, the Penal Code punishes this violation of sexual inviolability. The article on sodomy was repealed in 1993 (The Law of the Russian Federation N 4901-I of 29.04.93 was adopted, which inter alia decriminalized voluntary same-sex relations. It was published in the Rossijskaya Gazeta on May 27th, 1993 and since then entered into force) but the attitude of society has not changed until now.

Unfortunately, the article of the Penal Enforcement Code penalizing voluntary relations has not changed since the defense of the dissertation. Moreover, with regard to the topic of homosexuality and homosexual relations in the executive system (as well as outside the executive system), there has been a setback. While in 1999 the author offered to relief the PEC's measures, in later works this idea no longer appeared.
Back to the 2000s
Yuri Blokhin's dissertation, despite the fact that it was defended in 1999, regarding LGBT people and those who are involved in homosexual relationships in Russian prisons, looks more progressive than subsequent works.
Marat Shakiryanov with a similar topic about prison subculture defended his dissertation in St. Petersburg in 2004 at the Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (topic: "Criminal traditions among convicts in correctional institutions and the fight against them"). It should be noted that the Federal Penitentiary service was removed from the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 1998, so the study was presented in a non-core educational institution.

The structure of the work is similar, template-based, starting with the classification of prisoners by caste and the characteristics of these castes. For us, it is noteworthy that all researchers in a separate caste distinguish the so-called "red," as this is loyalty to the administration. It used to be "red is a bitch in life". Today, they can become both the "men" and the "offended" any time. There was even such a saying: "They used to say 'denounce', but now they say 'solve issues'."

Criminal authorities in the modern world also do not have the same influence as before.

On page 104, the author refers to conversations with prisoners about attitudes to the caste system, but there are no transcripts of interviews or questionnaires in the dissertation materials. It is unclear how he talked to the prisoners, where and what questions he asked.
Personal lovers of the "thieves" and the no-go band
Quote: "In the bathhouse, they wash separately from other convicts and last of all. You can't take anything from them. You can throw something without accidentally touching them...

It is also allowed to use them to transfer something to a punishment cell (SHIZO), when there is a no-go band between the SHIZO and the residential area. It is believed that in this case, things that have been in the hands of the "outcasts" are not desecrated. This exception is due to the fact that the "outcasts" are sent to level the forbidden strip, other convicts do not have access.

At the same time, sexual contact with the "offended" is not prohibited. Among the "offended," a special position is occupied by the personal lovers of the "thieves", because they are not beaten and released from work, and sometimes they can even be rewarded with something for their 'work'."

Marat Shakiryanov, "Criminal traditions among convicts in penitentiaries and the fight against them," Saint Petersburg, 2004, p. 106.
Leonid Agafonov
prison expert, author of the project "Woman. Prison. Society"
"Here is a question: how do they have sex without touching? But sometimes, yes, they do, and, indeed, the "men" and the "offended" do not wash under the same watering can in the showers.

Regarding the "no-go ban". Yes, there are "offended" people who clean and do household chores. Of course, you can send it with them. The author has the idea that the penal isolation cell must be through the "ban", but it can be in the next room, and not only the "offended" have access to the "no-go ban".

The author also tells about the special situation of the "offended" – "wives of thieves". That was in the old days when prisoners shared a common bedside table, but everyone had his own shelf in that one to avoid touching the dishes. And that "offended" slept not in the "cock house", but on the second tier near his "man."
Quote: "At the same time, it is impossible to put a "thief" or a "man" in a cell where the "outcasts" are sitting. And if the administration does this, then in the end, either the "thief" will be "lowered", or he will cause someone bodily harm, or he will be inflicted. Therefore, in practice, the cell for serving the sentence is determined by the convict himself (except in cases when the administration does this intentionally in order to break the person down, as well as in cases of "thieves' lawlessness", when a person is "lowered" just for fun)."

Marat Shakiryanov, "Criminal traditions among convicts in penitentiaries and the fight against them", Saint Petersburg, 2004, p. 107.
Leonid Agafonov
prison expert, author of the project "Woman. Prison. Society"
"In fact, the "thief" can be specially taken to the "cock" so that he "zapomoilsya" (makes contact with the "offended" and becomes the "offended" as well). And for him, the only option is to draw blood so that he can be taken out of the "hut" as quickly as possible. The administration also doesn't need to have two dead or injured people. Imagine, he is sitting with "obshchak", "podgon", "transfers", and of course he doesn't want to spend the rest of his term as a "cock." Therefore, he will fight "for the thieves' honor" anyway."
Quote: "In some colonies at one time, the administration tried to break the caste system of dividing convicts. So, all the "thieves," "men" and "goats" were forced to sit down in the dining room at the same table with the "outcasts"...

Of course, nothing good came of it. At best, it all ended in a massive refusal to have a meal, and at worst, a series of riots and other group violations of the detention regime began."

Marat Shakiryanov, "Criminal traditions among convicts in penitentiaries and the fight against them," Saint Petersburg, 2004, p. 107-108.
Alexey Sergeev
civic and LGBT activist,
Coordinator at the Alliance of Heterosexuals and LGBT for Equality
The quoted passage justifies the existing discriminatory and degrading prison hierarchy based on injustice and violence.

Of course, changing an existing system, which has been evolving for decades, is not easy. This requires a whole program of coordinated efforts and the will to implement it step by step. As long as the system is so opaque and closed, for example for representatives of the civil sector, as long as there is its own "interest" in its preservation among many participants, it is difficult to hope for real, not cosmetic changes. However, we can see that even within the framework of the "concepts" system there have been certain changes over several decades. It is sad that many of them have become the result of influence of criminal "authorities", and not the efforts of the Federal Penitentiary service."
How they "interceded" for the "offended"
Life story
"Once a big boss came to our cell and saw the "offended" on the floor. Then the cells were overcrowded, and the "men" slept in shifts, 3-4 people per place.

The chief asked why the prisoner was lying on the floor, and ordered the "men" to pick up the "offended" and put him on the "shkonka." The representative from the prison administration turned pale… He realized that there would be a conflict. Naturally, it was stressful.

He immediately replied that he was a "cock". The guest immediately realized that something was wrong. You could beat everyone in the cell, and no one would complain, but put the "cock" on the "shkonar" that would lead to a conflict. You can bring out 20 people, beat them blue in the face, but if they are forced to help lift the "offended," a riot could begin. It is better to be patient when they beat you than to be in the role of the "offended" for the rest of your term.

Naturally, no one got up, and the "offended" did not even try to make any attempts to get to the bed, because he understood what might end up happening. The best option is to "break in" and throw him into the corridor with things, if such a "hook" began. There were other options, all of them are related to self-harm, and the guiltiest would have the "offended." He had no opportunities to get out without losing his health. If he stayed on the floor, he would receive a penalty from the administration, if he moved in the direction of the "shkonar," his cellmates would kick him."
Become the "offended": forcibly and "voluntarily"
On page 107, the author talks about the prevalence of transfer to the "offended" and the reasons for lowering the prison status. Basically, they are described in a similar way, like in the example below, with more or less detail, listing theft laws, the violation of which can lead to a lower status.
Quote: "At the same time, it should be noted that lowering the status in the hierarchy is a phenomenon for the criminal community, in general, quite common. The reduction is mainly due to the violation of some norms and "thief" or "prison" rules of law by one or another convict, or even "out of lawlessness."

"Lowering" can also be voluntary. If the convict feels that he has committed something incompatible with the "prison law," he can voluntarily switch to the caste of the "outcasts," i.e. move his belongings to the part of the room where this "suit" is located, without waiting for the inevitable sanctions."

Marat Shakiryanov, "Criminal traditions among convicts in penitentiaries and the fight against them," Saint Petersburg, 2004, p.109.
Leonid Agafonov
prison expert, author of the project "Woman. Prison. Society"
"Now it is irrelevant, it is quite an old idea.

In 1999, when I was "sitting" in a detention site, they sent me a "progon" (when the criminal world authorities write and send recommendations for all prisoners. The recommendations are rewritten and sent to all the cells, excepting the "red" ones (who cooperate with the administration), the cells of ex-employees and the "offended" ones. The "overseer" of each cell reads these recommendations to all prisoners).

There is a very well-known note called "do not breed reptiles," in which "criminal authorities" recommend not to "lower" people for no reason (do not punish the "fuflyzhniki," card losers, debtors, etc.).

The "offended" person has no reputation, he will never be able to get out of his "caste," he has nothing to lose, so the administration of the institution can use him to their advantage. Therefore, in the late 90's, even in the appeals of "authoritative" prisoners, a request was recorded to "not to lower" "for lawlessness" or for minor – from the point of view of thieves' laws – offenses.

In a modern prison, you can be transferred to a lower caste for contact with the "offended" person (having tea "chifir" from one mug, kissing the "offended," etc.), sexual experience (homosexual or oral sex). As for self-transfer, it happens: a person can be "zadolbat" (psychologically broken), and then he will roll up his mattress and go to the "offended" group himself."
Humiliation as part of the system: the scale of violence
Quote: "The structural elements of the criminal subculture can be divided into several groups...

7) sexually erotic (love as a value, forced sodomy as a way to reduce the status of an objectionable guilty person) ..."

"This list doesn't contain sexual violence (sodomy). In addition, this type of crime has not been reflected in the statistics of the Ministry of justice of the Russian Federation on crime since 1992, but it doesn't mean that such acts are not committed in detention sites."

Marat Shakiryanov, "Criminal traditions among convicts in penitentiaries and the fight against them," Saint Petersburg, 2004, p. 141, 86.
Leonid Agafonov
prison expert, author of the project "Woman. Prison. Society"
"Sexual violence is firmly engrained in the system. Privileged prisoners, as they say, "go for business and pleasure": they have "lowered" the person and earned "bonuses" at the same time. That is, the "offended" does not pose a danger anymore, and he becomes a laborer washing toilets. There is a demand for this caste, regardless of what they do, whether they wash toilets or provide "sexual services." This state of affairs is beneficial to everyone: either ordinary "men" and the administration.

If we consider that the next subject of our review is a dissertation based on the cases of more than 200 prisoners raped in prison (the author worked with them in 1997-2000), it is obvious that such crimes as rape are not registered, are not investigated, and the perpetrators are not punished.

We also found no mention of sexual violence in more recent reports. These crimes are really hidden, even when employees catch someone having sex, sexual contact is not specified as a reason for the penalty. Usually they are punished, allegedly, for smoking in the wrong place, for not wearing their ID badge, and for other alternative things."
Overall conclusion about the theses regarding the prison subculture: the authors use old data, or the origin of the data is not clear at all. Dissertations are defended in non-core institutions. For example, they write the research about the Federal penitentiary service in the educational institution of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, etc. They often don't fully understand the situation happening in detention sites, they create their work on stereotypes and rumors.

Nikita Yakovlev's dissertation on "Penitentiary subculture as a criminogenic factor and prospects for neutralizing its negative influence" (defended in 2006 at the Bunin Yelets University) is typical.

The author makes extensive use of the term "offended". Generally, it characterizes their place in the caste system in a similar way to other authors.

Interestingly, the author describes preventive work with convicts who are registered in connection with homosexual contacts, while it is absolutely unimportant for the system whether they are voluntary or not. After all, even voluntary sex in the system is a violation of the PEC. It is noteworthy that when it comes to rape, it is considered that the regime is violated by both people, the one who rapes, and the one who is raped.
223 victims of violence and humiliation in one prison
A doctoral candidate of Medical Science, psychiatrist Andrei Zosimenko defended his thesis at the Serbsky Institute in 2004 on the topic: "Mental disorders in convicts related to the subcultural features of detention sites (sexual violence and its threat)."

The work is based on a study of 223 convicted men with mental disorders, patients of the MOPB psychiatric hospital of the Ministry of justice of the Russian Federation in the Yaroslavl region, who were subjected to sexual violence during their imprisonment, or who were at the low levels of the informal hierarchy of the prison community ("All observations are my own", the author notes).

The thesis contains a sufficient number of facts about violence in the administrative system, which indicates that the FPS knows about both the caste system and rape in detention sites.
Quote: "Medical histories of convicts who were on medical examination and treatment at the inter-regional hospital of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation in the YR (Ed. Yaroslavl region) between 1997 and 2000: the fact of sexual violence against them or their low micro-social status, associated with some subcultural features of the situation in detention places, has been documented (the total number of observations is 223)."

Andrey Zosimenko, "Mental disorders in convicts related to the subcultural features of detention sites (sexual violence and its threat)," Moscow, 2004, p.37.
Leonid Agafonov
prison expert, author of the project "Woman. Prison. Society"
"You can imagine the scale of violence if one institution has 223 cases in three years, and these are people who have been mentally impaired by sexual violence. This suggests that violence is widespread in the system. This isn't an isolated incident. It is mass concealed violence. The author conducted this research during a period when the cells were 3-4 times overcrowded, but still these are very indicative figures and stories."
We noticed low number of offenses on this ground (sexual abuse), that is even at the institutions such cases are not recorded.

The author also notes that "offended" can commit violations. When the "offended" is raped, the administration has no means of pressure, that is, before they could say: "We'll transfer you to the status of the 'offended'," and now the "offended" can be impertinent, but there are no ways to suppress him.

Although, this is rather an exception to the rule, because there are always forms of pressure for prisoners of any status.

Their lives have already been turned into hell, and they can actually behave more aggressively than before their transferring to the "offended" (nothing to lose). In addition, lowering the status is almost always accompanied by "breaking" (psychological suppression).

In the descriptive part, the author speaks about the relevance of the topic. In other words, violence and the lack of effective mechanisms to combat it are recognized even by researchers worked in the FPS system.
Quote: "The absence of effective measures to prevent the Commission of the environment convicted of sexual violence and the developed program of socio-psychological rehabilitation, low awareness of the relevant issues of the medical staff of penitentiaries and psychologists working in groups of convicts, leads to the fact that pathopsychological reactions and borderline mental disorders that have developed in response to the deterioration of the microsocial situation of the convict in the colony, in connection with the sexual violence, are not detected on time and are not stopped."

Andrey Zosimenko, "Mental disorders in convicts related to the subcultural features of detention sites (sexual violence and its threat)," Moscow, 2004.
If you've been raped — go to the punishment cell!
Quote: "At the same time, the majority of convicts received various types of assistance from employees of the institutions, which included:

1. transferring the convicted person to another cell or unit in order to segregate the individual from his/her direct abusers...

2. isolating the victim of violence from the main group of convicts during the period of adaptation to their new social role...

3. imposition of a disciplinary penalty in the form of placement in a SHIZO (penal isolation) and PKT (cell-type premises-also a type of punishment) for far-fetched or exaggerated violations of internal regulations...

4. punishment of offenders is a relatively rare type of assistance, which is rather psychologically important for the victim of illegal actions, but doesn't improve his position among the convicted...

5. hospitalization of a convicted person who has suffered violence in a hospital of the Ministry of health or in a medical institution of the Criminal Correctional system."

Andrey Zosimenko, "Mental disorders in convicts related to the subcultural features of detention sites (sexual violence and its threat)," Moscow, 2004, p.112-113.
Leonid Agafonov
prison expert, author of the project "Woman. Prison. Society"
"Nowadays most often they are raped and "lowered" by the so-called "reds", that is, prisoners who cooperate with the administration. "Black zones", where power belongs to criminal authorities, are becoming less and less, and the administration and cooperated with it structures have more powers.

Therefore, employees of institutions prefer to turn a blind eye to sexual violence. The system is not able to solve the problem of sexual violence in the institutions of the Federal penitentiary service and to ensure the perpetrators of this serious crime are punished.

Russian prisons prefer to hide the traces of the crime and hide the victim. According to article 13 of the PEC, in the case of a threat to the prisoner, he must be transferred to a safe place. Instead, the administration applies a disciplinary penalty and places the victim in a SHIZO (penal isolation cell).

Traces of beatings and sexual violence disappear during the time spent in the punishment cell, and it becomes almost impossible to prove the fact of the crime. FPS officers call it "adaptation," but in fact it is the concealment of a crime.

I have another question: why are rapists not placed in a detention site, why are criminal cases not initiated? In other words, a person is raped, but… he is also charged with a violation and placed in a SHIZO, PKT, or SUS.

The victims often don't realize that they are being abused. They can get tea or cigarettes for sex, and they have the illusion that they are willing partners in this transaction. It is important to understand that in fact they have no choice: the offended do not make the conscious decision to provide sex services, and receive only formal compensation for the violence committed against them."
Quote: "In this group, passive homosexual partners, exposed to repeated traumatic stress powerful for a long time, recidivism incidence and multiplicity of directions of in-patient treatment is the highest, the number of new admissions to psychiatric hospitals is the highest — 30,6%."

Andrey Zosimenko, "Mental disorders in convicts related to the subcultural features of detention sites (sexual violence and its threat)," Moscow, 2004, p.157.
In other words, the author of the dissertation speaks about different mental illnesses in the study group, about the degree of prevalence and the percentage of cases in two groups: those who suffered sexual violence and prisoners who were "offended" without sexual violence.

One of the arguments is that mental illnesses and their severity are associated with sexual violence. At the same time, statistics on diseases among prisoners of different social and demographic characteristics are given: education, family, heredity.

But most importantly, the study recognizes the existence of sexual violence in the Executive system as a widespread phenomenon tells about the severe consequences of violence on the mentality.
Alexey Sergeev
civic and LGBT activist,
Coordinator at the Alliance of Heterosexuals and LGBT for Equality
"The author of the dissertation Zosimenko honestly assesses the risk of sexual violence in prisons as high. He says "the decline in status of the convict" after a sexual assault, about limiting victims' rights" and "powerful stressful factors" of violence, leading "to the development of various mental disorders" the victims of violence.

Another thing is that these reflections concern for some reason exclusively the majority of "heterosexually oriented convicts", as if sexual violence against non-heterosexual prisoners are common, if not "enjoyable"?

Exactly for heterosexual prisoners, according to the author, it turns out that "the desire to avoid continuing harassment and humiliation by others in the colony" is characteristic, which is "an indicator of the preservation of self-esteem and, in particular, the preservation of previously formed sexual orientation, in irreconcilable contradiction with which the previously imposed passive homosexual behavior enters." It's as if homosexuals are sleeping and dreaming of another act of sexual violence. Such a stereotypical image of a "terpila" is very far removed from reality...

Two years ago, the Alliance of heterosexuals and LGBT people for equality received a visit from a person who had spent 15 years in the status of the "offended." So, I have to say that he is all right with a sense of self-esteem and a desire to fight against injustice carried out against the lower caste members.
What to do?
Quote: "In relation to such patients, the most optimal is the use of a comprehensive rehabilitation program that includes the use of psychotherapeutic techniques, occupational therapy, restoration of lost links with relatives and acquaintances who are at large, assistance in establishing acceptable relationships with others by engaging in contacts with more active and adapted convicts experienced similar psychotraumatic effects."

Andrey Zosimenko, "Mental disorders in convicts related to the subcultural features of detention sites (sexual violence and its threat)," Moscow, 2004, p. 192.
Leonid Agafonov
prison expert, author of the project "Woman. Prison. Society"
"The main problem is that in the Russian system there is no criminal punishment for rapists and there is no investigation of cases of violence. Moreover, it is necessary to punish those officials who hide such crimes. The perpetrators are not punished, the cause is not eliminated, and the violence continues. I doubt that work therapy and other recommendations can help in this situation.

For example, the author suggests building relationships. Here is a question: does a victim of violence have to build relationships with abusers?"
We believe that it is necessary to cancel penalties for voluntary sexual contact and have a Criminal Code for sexual violence. It would be a good idea to allow prisoners long visits with the same sex partners, like in many civilized countries.

The researchers don't say that the system is beneficial to the Federal penitentiary service, as correctional officers themselves participate in violence and "breaking." Many studies are riddled with homophobia, but this is the result of the environment in which the authors work. If they were tolerant of LGBT people, they simply wouldn't have defended their dissertations within this structure.

Therefore, we believe that we need independent research and reports that will help international authorities get information about violations in the Russian Executive system and motivate the Executive system to implement changes.

We analyzed what is said about the "offended," the caste system, and sexual violence in several dissertations. The fact that such works are protected, given the extreme taboo nature of the topic, is not bad in itself

Most importantly, this system hides criminal offenses. Perhaps, if the ECHR accepts the complaints of the "offended," the existence of the problem will be recorded, and this will be the first step towards solving the problem.

There is a high probability that the number of complaints will increase. Now, too many people are involved in the carrying out of violence against the "offended," and they do not judge or even recognize themselves as criminals. Several generations may pass before this injustice is completely eliminated. The main part of the project is here.
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The authors and our partners

Leonid Agafonov, Natalia Donskova


design, text expertise, development: Alexey Sergeev, illustration: Maria Svyatykh, social networks support: Natalia Sivokhina, editing: Lydia Simakova, translation: Marina Kvashnina and Dante Matero


Norwegian Helsinki Committee, Russian LGBT network, human Rights network "Tak-tak-tak," portal "Guys PLUS," Front Line Defenders, Ernest Mezak ("Public Verdict"), Alliance of heterosexuals and LGBT for equality, "Public Verdict," "Shelter City Tbilisi"

Thank you

Tatyana Dorutina, Tatyana Vinnichenko (Director of the Moscow community center for LGBT + initiatives); employees of the "Shelter City Tbilisi" program Sali Mesurnishvili, Svitlana Valko

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