About this project
In St. Petersburg thanks to the human rights activist Leonid Agafonov, there was a social project about women who were in places of detention and their children. The project began as a journalistic investigation. As it turned out, it's not enough to indicate the reasons for removal children from their families and living conditions of women in places of detention.
It needs to take action about changing the situation - legally, psychologically support women who have been imprisoned and who have been released after serving their sentence. We defend the right of every child to staying with his mother - at home, in hospital, even in prison in migrants centre
As the result of the project, under public pressure, the authorities have to make changes in legislation. These changes will allow us basing on the letter of the law to defend the rights of pregnant women who were in places of detention and their children. The ultimate goal to improve the quality of life of women and children who are in difficult life situations.
The ultimate goal to improve the quality of life of women and children who are in difficult life situations.

Where is my mother?

In October 2015 employees of the Federal migration service and the police took 5-month Umarali Nazarov away from his mom.

# The story of UMARALI

photo umarali.info
21 мая 2016 года
In October 2015 employees of the Federal migration service and the police took 5-month Umarali Nazarov away from his mom.
He died 12 hours later in the hospital. From the materials of forensic medical examination: "the Death of U. R. Nazarov was caused by a mixed viral infection... and parainfluenza...As a natural outcome of the disease and its complications was the development of acute cardiopulmonary insufficiency, which became the immediate cause of death".
The last 12 hours of baby's life
In the picture mother Zarina arrived to Dushanbe airport with son's body in a box.

Photo: Esfandiar Adineh
фото Umarali.info
20 Oct 2016 the criminal case on the fact of Umarali Nazarov's death was discontinued.
"However, during the investigation of the criminal case of the abuse of power or exceeding the actions of the personnel of the Federal migration service and the police have not been identified. The facts of the actions which might follow the death of a child by negligence were not established.
20 Oct 2016 the investigation came to the decision on termination of criminal proceedings in the absence of crime event". (From the website of the investigative Committee of Saint-Petersburg).

сайт следственного комитета по Санкт-Петербургу
-On the one hand, citizens of other countries have a different personal law (ex persinalis), and are not required to obey the law of the Russian Federation, but it is only in civil matters. On the other hand, part 2 of article 4 and part 3 of article 62 of the Constitution propagate its effect to foreign citizens on the territory of the Russian Federation. Therefore, rather than not — the law applies to them. One of the main purposes of a family is to create conditions for the normal development and proper upbringing of children. As indicated in section 1, art. 18 of the UN Convention on the rights of the child 1989, child's best interests are taken care first by his parents. In article 54, the IC established that every child has the right to live and be raised in a family as possible, the right to know their parents, be cared for, the right to joint residence, except when it is contrary to his interests.

Egor Solonin
A lawyer, an expert:

# The story of Rushmona

фото Леонида Агафонова
21 мая 2016 года

Where is my mother?

2-years old Rushmona was left without her mother. While a neighbor was staying with the girl, the mother of the baby, pregnant Rahmona, was detained by officials of the Federal migration service. For two days the mother knew nothing about the child. In fact, the UFMS left the girl in danger. And only two days later the mother was able to contact the neighbor. The neighbor brought the girl to SUVSIG (the detention center for migrants). But Rahmona could see her daughter only through the glass. Rahmona submitted a birth certificate to the court. But the court considered it fake. Then the mother and the child could see each other only 4 months later at the expulsion.

-Studies of foreign psychologists show that children in early and younger age strongly react to separation from a close adult. Emotional experience that comes from even a short separation can leave traces in the further development of the child. Separation from mother causes the child to acutely experience their helplessness, re-triggers the emotion of fear, experiences are recorded and transferred to the phobia.
Irina Novoselova
Сlinical psychologist, the head of the center "Healthy family"
For legislators pregnant women in SUVSIG (the detention center for migrants) remain invisible. They are not in the legislation, on paper, and therefore they do not exist. Even in prisons it's provided additional food for expectant mothers and breastfeeding women. But not in SUVSIG.
Migrant centre of Sankt-Peterburg VS Migrant centre of Sweden
... Families with children and couples (regardless of gender) have the priority right to settle into an apartment, rather than to a camp / hotel.
... There are wooden tables on the street so that you can spend time.
... There is a dining room that provides food to the residents of the hotel three times a day.
Nourishing food. Every day in the dishes there is meat, but there is always an alternative for veggie meatless.
... No smoking and drinking alcohol on site. Still worth adding that the state pays asylum seekers and refugees a benefit of 750 kroons per month (1 crown - about 7 rubles).
Konstantin Golava
The story Of Dilafruz.
Two children of 6 and 7 years old were taken from pregnant Dilafruz. Kids were sent to an orphanage. Their mother was sent to SUVSIG. The father remained at large. But his children weren't. Dilafruz gave birth a baby while being in SUVSIG. She was able to see her older children only in Homeland. And they were sent to Tashkent not with their mother, but guided, two months after her. As children were placed in an orphanage, Dilafruz had to take them out. Why not just send kids home with their mother?
The most serious factor hindering the development of the child is always a withdrawn from the family and placement in an orphanage. And there pseudopsychologist will forbid to cry and remember the mom. This is the worst thing that can happen to a child."
Irina Novoselova
Сlinical psychologist, head of the center "Healthy family"
Photo UFMS of Moscow
In the Centers of temporary detention of foreign citizens human rights are systematically violated. The facts of the separation of mother and child are repeatedly documented. Authorized officials do not respond to the comments and suggestions of the members of the Public monitoring Committee to improve the conditions of detention of women with children and do not take any measures to prevent violations of human rights of this category of citizens.
Umarali Nazarov's mom remained in Tajikistan, his father works in Russia. Dilafruz Nabatova and Rahmona live in their homeland, in Uzbekistan.
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