Journalist Nataliia Donskova
tel. +79054535517
My name is Natalia. Today I work as a media volunteer in the project "Woman. Prison. Society" (about women's, children's, LGBT people's rights in prisons and migrant centers in Russia). We work as a cosultant-center and social media. The author of the project, Leading Expert Russian Next Generation PMC Project (Multi-annual cooperation project to support effective public monitoring of places of detention in the Russian Federation) Leonid Agafonov. Our project located in Saint-Petersburg, also I worked in Karelia (Segeja, Petrozavodsk, Nadvoici), Solovki and Kazakhstan.
Before that, more than 5 years I worked in daily news.
I have more than 7 years of journalistic experience and more than 1500 publications. For the 5th year I have been working on gender issues, participated in trainings.
I want to emphasize that I have the qualification of a specialist, it is 5 years of full-time studying at the faculty of history, and also studied for a year in postgraduate studies in philosophy faculty. I have two publications in materials of interregional conference.
full-time study at the faculty of history of RSU. Qualification-specialist. Specialty-Historian. History teacher.
I graduated from the History Department of Rostov State University (qualification-specialist), studied at the graduate school of the Faculty of Philosophy of the Southern Federal University (formerly - Rostov State University).
postgraduate study at the faculty of philosophy, southern Federal University (former Rostov state University)
During 5 years of study at the University and 1 year of postgraduate study I investigate in the areas of religious and wrote research "Modern destructive religious cults in Russia. Sources and historiography".
I was as a journalist in the magazine "Business District" in Rostov-on-Don.
I was a journalist in the newspaper "Is it true?" in Volgodonsk
2014 - 2017
2014 - 2017
I worked in the regional TV company "TNT-Volgodonsk" as a correspondent
Responsibilities: a creating broadcasts, a writing texts, organization of shooting, a searching of participants of broadcasts, a cheking of the cameraman's and videoeditor's job etc, a recording a voice. During the working in the TC-company, I realized special projects such as: "Literature guide", "Flags over the city".
Main achievements (last 2 months)

  • LGBT Network Award for the best socio-cultural project for the project on homosexuality and the criminal system of Russia and the USSR "THE OUTCASTS"
  • Legislative Initiative for pregnant women and women with young children in Russia prisons. Media refer to the cases of our project: LINK1 LINK2


  • We published big investigation about women with cancer in russian prisons. After there European human rights court made 2 decisions about 2 heroes of our investigation. Last month EHRC made decision about violations of the rights of women with cancer in Russian prisons. The decision was made in the case of our hero Masha Bukhteeva (decision of February 8 this year, article 3, "torture"). Reference to the document is attached to the letter, the decision in the table under 4. Also after this Russian judges began to give freedom to seriously ill
  • We made article about homosexual women in Russian prison and more than 150 000 people read it. Norwegian and Sweden newspapers published this article LINK LINK2
  • In 2018, june, 1, we started a public campaign in support of «children of prison" who were born in Russia's prisons and detention centers, in the first few days it was signed by more than 65,000 people
  • winner of the contest of investigative journalists "Turn on the light" (2018).
  • winner of All-Russian Journalists contest "Pravda i spravedlivost" ("Truth and justice") in 2015 and in 2017
  • winner of regional contest among journalists, who writes about children in trouble "Slovo kak delo" ("Word as a reaction") in 2016
  • nominee for award "Redkollegia"
  • nominee for award Sakharova "Journalism as action"
  • Project have got the national award "Civil initiative" nomination "the air of freedom" (2018)
  • winner of the first national contest of articles about oncology "For life"
During the month got an internship at the "Bureau on human rights" in Kazakhstan from the Prague Civil Society Center (October 2018).
I took part in 8th European Investigative and Data Journalism Conference & Dataharvest (Belgium, 2018), took internship in Reportage Institute in Warsaw, Poland (2018), took part in conference ES-Russia (Romania), 2018.
Got training about journalist investigation at program "Institute to relation press "Siberia" (PDI-Siberia) (Yekaterinburg - may, 2016, October, 2016; Novosibirsk - December, 2016 ). Got training in Prague for multimedia technology in November of 2017, got training about anticorruption investigations in December, 2017 (Prague).
Got internship in "ANNA" center (about home abuse) in Moscow, 2018. Visited Norway to write an article about Norwegian penal system (2018). I improve my skills in English.
Interested in social media-journalism, Data science, media-infographics, Central Asia & Korea. Got training in Berlin for documentary in December 2018 (Open Media Hub).

About our project in media:

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